State Agencies, Health Plans, and Providers


Digital Therapeutic + Coaching for SUD

DynamiCare is a digital therapeutic + coaching program that helps your members overcome substance use disorders (SUD). DynamiCare is an award-winning high-tech, high-touch program trusted by some of the leading names in healthcare.


Partners & Customers


The Problem

In addition to causing enormous human suffering, addiction is a major driver of economic costs to the healthcare system across both commercial and government (Medicaid and Medicare) plans. Members with an SUD cost 3x more than average.


Source: Milliman 2018 (Fig. 9)

What Works?

There are strong evidence-based and cost-effective interventions for SUD — they’re just not used by the current treatment system. In particular, motivational incentives (known as Contingency Management) have been shown to be effective in over 100 randomized controlled trials, yet are rarely used. DynamiCare combines some of the most cost-effective interventions in SUD and automates them through technology.



DynamiCare’s digital therapeutics for drugs, alcohol, and tobacco have been found to increase quit rates by 2-3x in 3 clinical trials published in peer-reviewed journals by our academic research partners.



Thanks to our evidence-based approach and strong results, our work has been praised by The NY Times, WSJ, and CBS News, and has won numerous grants & awards from the NIH, Harvard Business School, and the State of Ohio.


How It Works


Peer Support

DynamiCare matches each member with a certified Recovery Coach (peer support specialist) who is in recovery themselves. Our Coaches guide members through the program with regular check-ins and outreach based on real-time risk alerts.


Remote Testing

Urine testing is inconvenient, overpriced, and easy to cheat. DynamiCare members conduct their own breath and saliva tests at home, verified by selfie video through our app.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

DynamiCare teaches recovery skills through a library of over 90 self-guided CBT modules teaching skills such as how to deal with stress, triggers, and cravings.


Motivational Incentives

DynamiCare’s Contingency Management program provides immediate rewards for healthy behaviors through a smart debit card that blocks access to bars, liquor stores, and cash withdrawals.


Family Support

DynamiCare supports the entire family through individual coaching, educational content, and a Supporter Portal where participants can share their progress in recovery with loved ones.


More Benefits


Treat Stimulant Use

DynamiCare automates contingency management, the most effective and evidence-based intervention for the growing stimulant epidemic. Without it, your benefits design and provider network don’t have the tools they need to fight meth and cocaine addiction.

Westley Clark MD JD MPH, Former Director of U.S. Center for Substance Addiction Treatment

“Methamphetamine is surging these days. The only substantive evidence-based treatment is incentive-based contingency management.”
ADAW Weekly 6/8/2020


Triple Aim

DynamiCare offers a highly-rated member experience (NPS: 72), improves outcomes, and lowers costs. Our program can be utilized as continuing care post-rehab, as a digital therapeutic to improve outcomes in outpatient treatment, or as a standalone coaching program. DynamiCare offers better results at lower costs than existing options,with the option to use alternative payment models (value-based care contracts).

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